venerdì 8 maggio 2020

"Troubled Times" nuovo singolo per Magne?

Con questo video e relativo messaggio su Instagram Magne condivide la versione definitiva dalla sua interpretazione di "Troubled Times" dei Fountains Of Wayne, brano di cui ci aveva già dato un assaggio il 25 aprile scorso.

Nel post Magne dice:
«hey everyone,
as a little treat for you i have recorded vocals for my version of troubled times, my tribute to the fountains of wayne and the loss of one of their songwriters. i hope you like the final result. i like it a lot. what says i try to convince my record company to release this as a single?? they still exist? (i mean singles, not the record company). well, if enough of you want me to, and say so, maybe i can convince them to do it. so vote with your fingers people! to give you some visuals to accompany the song, i took a stroll through the forest yesterday and shot some film-footage and stills of the undeniable miracle of spring happening around us, and then got my son thomas to string it together... walking through the woods i realised what a soothing effect nature has had on my through these last couple of months, and it got me thinking: how about we all make a collage-video for this song - together!? it would be a kind of document of the troubled times we have experienced together apart. i could set up a website for uploading footage - and you could send me whatever you have found to symbolize this particular point in time...something hopeful for the future, something meaningful and/or important around you that has helped you cope. it could be a rather nice thing, no? well do let me know what you think. and, in the mean time; enjoy the song and video!»

Sarebbe bello sì, aver questo brano come singolo, ed anche collaborare come fu nel 2007, ai tempi di MySpace,  con le bambole per il progetto "Scrabble", quando invitò i fan ad inviargli una bambola fatta a mano da loro. Ai fan che parteciparono fu regalato un CD contenente le sonorità raccolte durante la mostra, tenutasi dal 29 agosto al 1 settembre (2007) dove furono esposti i lavori. La mostra si tenne presso il Sørlandet Art Museum di Kristiansand.
Le foto di tutte le bambole sono disponibili su (richiede flash) e, una selezione, su