Oggi, al termine della diretta video su Facebook relativa al concerto del 4 dicembre 2019 Magne pubblica un nuovo brano su Instagram. Titolo "God Is In The Details". Protagonista del video la sua cagnolina Kira.
sabato 26 dicembre 2020
lunedì 21 dicembre 2020
Ascolta "I'm In" il nuovo brano di Magne su Instagram
Magne ha da poco pubblicato su Instagram un nuovo brano intitolato "I'm In".
Per ascoltarlo cliccate qui.
Tenete d'occhio il profilo Instagram di Magne perché ci sarà altro quanto prima!
domenica 20 dicembre 2020
Prima del concerto di Magne "White Xmas Lies" con live chat
Il 26 dicembre alle ore 17 sulla pagina Facebook degli a-ha sarà possibile vedere il concerto di Natale che Magne ha fatto il 4 dicembre 2019 per l'Esercito della Salvezza norvegese.
Magne sarà online, e, durante la diretta parteciperà ad una chat in diretta.
Visitate a-ha.com per maggiori dettagli a riguardo e per leggere un suo breve messaggio (di seguito riportato).
hohoho...goodbye 2020, hello 2021!
what a year we have had.
a plague of almost biblical proportions - with lockdowns, loneliness and separation, civil unrest and protest around the world. economic plight, uncertainty, fear and loathing among neighbors and friends. in this post-truth era, even good news seem less than trustworthy to many. 2020 has really tested the human spirit in so very many ways. but as churchill once said; ‘never waste a good crisis!’ something good can and will come from our trials and tribulations. but take your vaccines, people!
for us musicians the opportunity to perform to our fans around the world just disappeared into vapor, but music is none the less, and perhaps even more than ever, an important part of keeping us all sane...whether we consume - or produce it.
the white xmas lies album was supposed to spawn an annual opportunity for me to make contact in a more intimate setting with those of you who liked the idea of an alternative, more melancholy take on xmas. however, with this year’s yuletide already alternative and dark enough for too many, launching black xmas baubles and rallying against consumerism and hollow rituals...well, it just seemed way out of step with the sentiment and needs of this point in time.
so we canned the plans for this year’s concerts and cheeky baubles. having said that, when i looked through the unfinished edit of the white xmas lies concert in oslo from 2019, i realized that despite the skewed setup, there was actually a nice (?) sense of community and warmth running through it. i am, of course, referring to the crowd itself.
i decided to share it with you in its long form, warts and all, as proof that i haven’t entirely lost my sense of humour.
connecting these days means keeping in touch virtually for most, through social medias etc, so i decided it might be an idea for me to watch it together with you...i mean, why should you have to suffer alone?!
hence, we are setting up a facebook event on boxing day 5pm CET, where i will, to the best of my ability, attempt to answer your questions throughout the running of the concert, and those who wish to just see the show can apparently turn off the banter, and those who just want to chat…well, you can turn off the sound, grinches.
all the very best for the upcoming holidays. see you on boxing day!
lotsa love,
Aggiornamento del 30.12.2020
a-ha.com pubblica le risposte date da Magne durante la chat ed annunciando che il concerto è ora interamente disponibile su YouTube. Di seguito riportiamo quanto scritto da Magne in chat.
oops...didn't remember i had gone for the george michael faith period look ;D
re new songs - yes. i am planning to release some new demos (non xmas related) on my insta profile first over the holiday period :-)
the prose i wrote for juleroser (in norwegian) was my first published prose in my own language...scary stuff :-0
wow...worldwide - thanks for watching guys...
your questions are coming in thick and fast...i'll try to keep up!! :-0
and please excuse the banter in norwegian in-between songs...
haha...someone asked if there is a way to charge his electric car while watching. i am pretty sure the car will charge off the energy of y'all
re the taped over letters on the piano...just trying to find words wherever i can ;-)
re cities in japan - i love them all, but my favourite is...fukuoka, or was it kyoto, or osaka, or tokyo...mount koya? i honestly can't decide.
re lockdown: us artists are in one way lucky...even if we can't play, we can produce music...or art, and in hard times, this is a real privilege..
keep the questions short people...i'm getting too old to read long sentences - and then type responses ;D
the name of our dog is kira - but i'm pretty sure she thinks her name is 'emperor of the furuholmen-family'
yeah, thanks for all contributions to troubled times video everyone!
someone asked what it is like watching my own concert. pulling teeth comes to mind...
someone wrote thank you morten - there is a compliment in there somewhere ;D
re further plans for WXL concerrs: yup, will try to schedule some for next year - we had booked spaces in london, berlin and oslo this year (on off days with a-ha) - but alas covid happened. hope to resume next year!
re another unplugged album for a-ha - in fact i pushed for that to happen a coupla years ago, but the others were not interested. maybe later!
someone asked if my preference is sweet or savoury...is bitter not an option? ;D
are you guys even watching the show, or just chatting wildly??? ;D
the concert will be available on my youtube channel after this event - in chapters, so you can skip the songs you don't like ;-)
WXL was always a magne f project
i'm glad y'all don't speak norwegian when i have to hear my own comments in-between...
'we don't get out much'...HAHAHA!
re my lyrics: of course there is a lot of me in there, but there is also a lot i take from other people's situation.
caprice dex dieux - in addition to a (rather brilliant) song, it is also a (rather brilliant) french cheese! ;D
'am i a melancholic person?'...is there another kind?
who would win a punch between the three a-ha members?...my money would be on paul.
i compose songs on guitar or piano - but record everything on pro tools
this is now america. feel sad to be right. and becoming more right as we go...please, please america, we love you guys!
if you haven't see the video my son thomas did together with the great theatre performance due vinge/müller you have to go to youtube and see it - it is so good.
you guys are too funny...i am having difficulty reading and writing for tears in my eyes ;D
a perfect day - i just had one yesterday: skiing and playing with my dog
someone has a daughter named celice??? brilliant!
this is exactly like a good xmas party: everyone is talking over everyone else! ;D
hello to india - thanks for watching. wishing you happier times in 2021!
tini getting fired up...
every time i try to roll back to read your q's new ones try to push me back down...give me a couple of months - i WILL master it!
hey italy - a-ha not coming there for so long is a travesty! my guess is, the chefs around every great restaurant in the country got tired of me gate-crashing their kitchens for tips, and all joined forces to put a petition in to stop a-ha ever coming back ;D
yeah, i put tini in there to give everyone a little break from my vocals...tsk tsk
spain and france...of course - there is so much good food to sample. i try my best to organize a-ha shows based on the whims of my stomach...
my wife warned me about wearing sunglasses for this show, but i see now that i was right ;-0
yup...got a calendar this year
just to remind me i guess...there goes another year
headbanging emoji for WXL - lol
hello peru - can't wait to come!
someone doesn't like the vocoder effects on the vocals - you perv! ;D
i DID write a song for 2020 though...quite a few actually - i'm in is one of them (on my insta account) more to come over the xmas period
the guitar is mine...mine i tell you, mine - don't tell paul ;D
hello singapore - we missed you buy a few days this year @lockdown...damn
hungary was amazing - fingers crossed we come back.
thank you germany - stay safe!
my art exhibits were planned to happen inbetween tours, now it is all a great train wreck in 2022 ;-)
haha...someone is waiting for a real punchup! well, it is boxing day after all
stoke is still my team - go potters!
hey joanna - i DID release a xmas album!! this is it. ;D
yeah, for many iguess 2020 was one of those 'erase and rewind' years...
here's a tip: whenever you play a wrong chord - play it again! then it doesn't sound like a mistake!
hello aussie! thank you for the memories this year - a real highlight to be back down under!
coming up to the end now folks - i'm knackered, but happy to see so many in here - enjoy the hols and best for 21!
now to prep for the outro...
help, i need a drink!
goodnight everybody!
venerdì 18 dicembre 2020
Tour 2021 spostato al 2022? Probabile
Harald Wiik, manager degli a-ha ha fatto sapere tramite una dichiarazione al quotidiano norvegese VG
che esiste la possibilità concreta che il tour previsto per il 2020 e
spostato al 2021 debba essere nuovamente riprogrammato per il 2022 a
causa della pandemia di Covid-19 che persiste a livello mondiale.
La notizia è stata gentilmente riportata e tradotta su Twitter dalla pagina amatoriale a-ha Live. Maggiori dettagli sul sito nel relativo articolo.
La buona notizia è che Wiik conferma che è stata scritta tanta nuova musica sebbene ancora non sappia che utilizzo ne verrà fatto. A noi serve ottimismo e vogliamo sperare sia per un nuovo album.
giovedì 10 dicembre 2020
Giappone: rimandati (di nuovo) i concerti causa Covid-19
a-ha.com fa sapere attraverso un messaggio su Facebook che i concerti previsti in Giappone per il 2020 e riprogrammati per gennaio 2021, sono posticipati a data da confermarsi causa la pandemia di Covid-19 che ancora affligge il pianeta.
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Qui potete trovare l'elenco completo delle date del tour "Hunting High And Low". |